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Sustainability Pillars - Series 3 Blog Image
packaging 101

September 18, 2024

Sustainability at Roastar Pt. 2: Our Commitment to Waste Deferral

In this second installment of our Sustainability Pillars series, we’ll explore our commitment to waste deferral. We’ll talk about things like material recovery facilities, advancing recycling efforts, and transforming recyclable packaging into sustainable products.

Transforming Waste into Sustainable Solutions, One Package at a Time.

When it comes to sustainability, waste deferral is all about ensuring materials don’t end up in landfills but instead get a second shot at life. Whether through recycling, composting, or repurposing, Roastar is making sure our packaging doesn’t become just another piece of trash. This process is integral to our mission of building a circular economy and reducing our environmental footprint. Because who wants to see a beautiful bag of coffee end up in the dump?

What is Waste Deferral?

In the simplest terms, waste deferral means finding ways to recycle or repurpose waste rather than letting it end up in a landfill. This could involve anything from creating post-consumer recycled (PCR) materials to working with material recovery facilities (MRFs) to ensure that materials can be effectively sorted and recycled. At Roastar, we’re not just talking about recycling—we’re out there in person, visiting these facilities to learn firsthand about their processes, capabilities, and challenges. This hands-on approach directly influences our product development process, which you can read more about in the next installment of this series. After all, if we’re going to talk the talk, we’ve got to walk the walk.

The Roastar Sustainability Committee visiting the Outagamie County Recycling + Solid Waste Facility in September 2023.The Roastar Sustainability Committee visiting the Outagamie County Recycling + Solid Waste Facility in September 2023.

The MRF Connection

Material Recovery Facilities (MRFs) are where the magic happens. Picture this: massive machines and dedicated workers sorting through mountains of materials, using air to separate paper, electromagnets to pull metals out of the mix, and even infrared optical tech to make sure plastics go where they’re supposed to.

We’re committed to making sure our packaging plays nice with the planet, and we work closely with these facilities to understand the limitations and capabilities of their infrastructure. We even send samples to MRFs across the country to ensure our products can be processed correctly. This rigorous testing helps us design products that can be collected and sorted. If our products don’t make the cut, we go back to the drawing board.

The Role of Proper Labeling

One of the keys to successful waste deferral is proper labeling. Mislabeled products can contaminate a recycling stream, which undoes all the hard work that went into creating sustainable packaging in the first place.

By staying in close contact with local municipalities and constantly updating our labeling practices, we help our packaging end up in the right place—whether that’s a recycling bin or a compost pile. To make it easy for the end user to know how to correctly dispose of our packaging, we’ll soon be providing free labels to our customers to include on their products.

Overcoming Challenges in Waste Deferral

Of course, waste deferral isn’t without its challenges. One of the biggest hurdles we face is understanding which packaging options are truly sustainable. There’s no one-size-fits-all solution, and each region has different infrastructure and needs. Some areas of the country are recycling rockstars with advanced systems, while others are still catching up — and that’s okay! We work hard to offer material technologies that support these varied needs and to educate our customers on the best choice for their region. The graphic below by The Recycling Partnership shows the level of recycling access and participation by state. To download the full report, visit the organization’s website or click here.

The Recycling Partnership - State-by-State Levels of Recycling - Access and Participation ChartThe Recycling Partnership

Measuring the Impact of Waste Deferral

Tracking progress and measuring our impact is a complex task that requires ongoing research, data collection, and collaboration. How do we know if our waste deferral efforts are making a difference?

First, we track our sustainable product sales to understand how often these products are being purchased. If these sales are going up, then the potential for waste deferral—less packaging in the landfill—increases. We also keep track of our internal waste and recycling patterns to understand the factors influencing them. Additionally, we monitor the waste we divert through community partnerships, such as with the Wausau Woodchucks, We track recycling rates and the use of single-use plastic cups by visitors to the stadium, which led us to help them switch to recyclable metal cups.

By keeping tabs on these metrics, we can gauge the effectiveness of our waste deferral efforts and adjust as needed.

Roastar sponsored aluminum cups (curbside recyclable) during the Woodchucks 2024 season.Roastar sponsored aluminum cups (curbside recyclable) during the Woodchucks 2024 season.

Partnerships with a Purpose

We’ll take any opportunity to shout out our awesome partners like the Associated Recyclers of Wisconsin (AROW). It helps us navigate the wild world of waste management by hosting tours of recycling facilities, connecting us with other leaders in the industry, and updating us on the latest challenges and innovations. AROW’s role is particularly important because they’re made up of all the big recycling names in Wisconsin, which gives us the inside scoop on how to improve the sustainability of our products. Through the knowledge gained from our partnerships, we’re able to develop packaging that not only meets our customers’ needs but also supports the broader community.

Roastar Bags in Your Backyard

Here’s a fun fact: some of our recyclable bags end up as eco-friendly composite decking thanks to companies like Trex. These guys are pros at turning reclaimed plastic and wood scrap into durable, low-maintenance outdoor products that last way longer than traditional materials.

Trex’s eco-friendly composite decks are made from an innovative blend of up to 95% recycled plastic film and reclaimed sawdust, which provides truly environmentally responsible product for consumers. We love working with them because they’re just as committed to sustainability as we are. It’s like turning trash into treasure—and who doesn’t love a good makeover story?

Looking Ahead: The Future of Waste Deferral

As we continue to refine our waste deferral initiatives and partnerships, our goal is to find innovative, environmentally responsible solutions for our internal non-recyclable waste and to support the sustainability efforts of our community partners.

We’re in frequent contact with our city, parks department, and other community partners to discuss waste deferral challenges and potential projects. These initiatives include labeling and color-coding recycling and garbage containers to support correct disposal, supporting sustainability best practices at local events, and educating the public on proper disposal methods. By working together, we can make waste deferral a reality for everyone and continue to lead the way in the packaging industry.

At Roastar, we’re committed to doing our part to protect the planet. Waste deferral is just one piece of the puzzle, but it’s a critical one. By partnering with organizations, educating our customers, and constantly innovating, we’re able to keep materials in circulation, reduce waste, and create a more sustainable future for all.